Formation of the information Environment in Ukrainian leading Universities


  • Andrij Peleschyshyn НУ "Львівська політехніка", Україна
  • Nataliia Vovk НУ "Львівська політехніка", Україна


Ключові слова:

education, universities, information environment, information-analytical system, electronic document, electronic archive


The article considers the actual problem of analysis of the main components of informational environment in the universities. The characteristics of the chief documents load at universities are provided. The comparative analysis of existing educational systems in Ukraine with the educational systems of leading world countries is carried out. The information and analysis systems that will be used to manage information and documentary environment at the university is provided by researchers. The informational and analytical systems, which use in order to manage the informational and documental environment at the university, are proposed. The aim of the study is the research of present stage of formation of information environment leading universities of Ukraine, which have a long history and large array of documentary information. Such arrays are currently semistructured and required not theoretical research, practical application, and various information systems for their regulation. The main problem in the organization of document-information space of modern higher education is a lack of technical and financial resources and paying insufficient attention to the lack of paper documents. A significant disadvantage of working with paper carriers is complicated scanning their further inclusion in the information system. These defects can be solved by developing clear rules for systematization and structuring the storage of paper documents and their electronic versions. In summary, technical solution for implementing information systems in main university department is proposed..


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Як цитувати

Peleschyshyn, A., & Vovk, N. (2017). Formation of the information Environment in Ukrainian leading Universities. Вісник Національного технічного університету «ХПІ». Серія: Нові рішення у сучасних технологіях, (23(1245), 123–130.



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