Automated testing of web applications with multilevel architecture


  • Galyna Kodola Ukrainian State Chemical-Technological University, Україна
  • Natalia Volynets Ukrainian State Chemical-Technological University, Україна
  • Inna Serbulova Ukrainian State Chemical-Technological University, Україна


Ключові слова:

automated testing of web applications, multi-level architecture, data security, code integration, minimize errors


Web applications play an important role in the life of our society. They are applied in sectors such as business, health care and public administration. The quality of such applications can depend not only on user convenience but also on the functioning of organizations. Testing is the most widely used and effective approach to ensuring the quality and reliability of software, including web applications. However, web applications are very different from traditional software because they include dynamic creation and interpretation of the code, as well as the implementation of a specific interaction mode based on the navigation structure of the web application. Automated testing is an automatic execution of a set of tests. Having created this set once, you can use it every time after making some changes to the web application. In addition, modern web applications are built on the basis of multi-level architecture. Therefore, to test the overall behavior of web applications, you need to complete a set of testing methods. Automation testing cannot be implemented without the appropriate tools. It determines how they will be tested and whether the benefits of automation can be achieved. Test automation tools are the most important component in the development toolchain. The purpose of the work was to analyze the existing software tools used for automated testing, to apply among them for each level of the web application those that can provide a high level of security and minimize the likelihood of errors or failures in the program. To achieve this goal, the following kinds of software were considered: version control systems; error tracking systems; automatic testing tools; tools for automated load testing; continuous integration software. On their basis, a complex of testing automation of the web application was made, which would allow without any extra complexity to carry out individual modifications of the system and significantly reduce the number of errors in the process of updating the system by other specialists. As a result of the automated testing of the web project, practical experience was gained with the creation of an automated web application testing system using the Bitbucket version control system (GIT) and the Jenkins Continuous Integration System (CI).

Біографія автора

Galyna Kodola, Ukrainian State Chemical-Technological University

кафедра Информационных систем, преподаватель


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Як цитувати

Kodola, G., Volynets, N., & Serbulova, I. (2019). Automated testing of web applications with multilevel architecture. Вісник Національного технічного університету «ХПІ». Серія: Нові рішення у сучасних технологіях, (5(1330), 91–100.



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